Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Ice Storm 2007

The front that has been terrorizing the Midwest finally made it down this way on Saturday. Saturday morning, our part of town got over 6 inches of rain in 6 hours. Here's a video of Bouldin Creek, which is about 500 feet from our house. It's normally just a trickle.

It finally turned to ice Sunday night, and we received a pretty good coating. We've had freezing rain on and off since then, so the roads (bridges, at least) have remained pretty slick. There have been accidents all over town, and just about everything has been shut down for the past couple of days, and probably will be tomorrow also.

Mavis and the dog both have some serious cabin fever, and that is not a good combination. I'm ready for the "Big Thaw of 2007."

We even got some real snow. Huge flakes. It was quite pretty, but quickly turned to sleet.

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