Thursday, May 25, 2006

Mavis & Daddy go running

A weekend or so ago, Mavis & her Daddy & her dog (he's camera shy) did the Hot to Trot 5K. Mavis had a great time watching the other runners & dogs & even some kids running in Elvis outfits. She wore her Elvis onsie & blue suede pants & made her Daddy promise to get her an Elvis outfit for when she runs it with him next year. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Y'all are the cutest family ever. Hugs all around!

Anonymous said...

They look great! Hot to trot indeed. I have a pattern for a knitted Elvis wig....

Anonymous said...

The Big J looks like he's been really working; however, Little J looks like it's been just another walk in the park--just how hard were you jogging anyway? We think that Big J and Little J need matching Elvis shirts if they intend to continue to go around together all the time!!!!!