Friday, June 09, 2006


Mavis is figuring out how to play peek-a-boo. She usually only covers one eye, & sometimes not even that, but she's getting it, & is so tickled when she takes her hand off to a rousing chorus of "peek-a-boo". She's a genius, don't you know. Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

We do know a genius when we see one or a genui as the case may be!! Either way THE GREATS know

Anonymous said...

She IS a genius. She knows that if she covers BOTH eyes, you could try to hide or trick her. That baby is nobody's fool.

Anonymous said...

Where did out Great or Grand Niece get that damned Bib!!Don't her parents think that's just a little bit not feminist! Please we beg of you to just say No to this kind of behavior with our little one--at least until such time that we can teach her to take care of herself!!!!!