Sunday, December 31, 2006

Walking on her own!

With a little help from her walking coach (aka Grandma) Mavis has been walking on her own. She's not exactly happy about it, but she will do it occassionally. Usually just a few steps, but Friday Grandma got her to walk all the way from the kitchen to the front door by herself. Mavis is still a bit upset with Grandma about this incident nearly 2 days later. What Miss Mavis prefers is to hold onto someone's hand while walking. And not just anyone. Has to be female, or a kid. If she agrees to walk with me, it's usually so I can walk her over to Mommy, where Mommy will hear for the 829th time that day, "Wanna walk?" Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Hurray, Mavis!!!

Anonymous said...

THE GREATS say that Mavis Jane is going to have to either walk alone or grow about 6 inches because Grandma and Mommy and Daddy are going to have very bad backs before too much longer