Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mavis was sick

Mavis was sick for the first time last week. She had a double ear infection, and probably a cold as well. For a couple of nights, she slept only briefly and restlessly. In this pic, mom is making up for a few moments of lost sleep, and Mavis is probably resting her vocal cords so she can start screaming again.

Imagine playing the video below over and over again, all day and night, for 3 or 4 days. That's close to what it was like. Thankfully, she's all better now. Posted by Picasa

Oh, I almost forgot...when Mavis did sleep, she snored A LOT! This might seem pretty cute at first, but when you haven't slept much for two nights and she finally cuddles up to you and goes to sleep, the last thing you want is loud snoring in your ear, even if it is from a very cute baby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yikes. I'm glad she's on the mend. It's amazing that this is the first time she's been sick! Nice work!