But this time we forgot to get a picture next to the 23 pound turkey. Unlike last year, when Mavis didn't really notice, this year she weighs as much as the turkey & did notice, although she wasn't sure what to think & refused to try any. Maybe some of her mama's people have pictures they could send on of her next to the turkey??? (who was raised Catholic after all?). Here is Mavy, sitting pretty next to her hard core cousin Sarika, who was bored for most of the weekend. Mavis had a really really good time playing w/her 5 year old cousin Grace, who helped her walk (it didn't hurt Grace's back). Also, Mavy's daddy made the turkey & some really good dressing & turkey soup the next day. Thanks daddy. Happy times had by all, it was a wonderful Thanksgiving; hope everyone else's was just a good.
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