Friday, November 10, 2006

Walkin' and Talkin'

Mavis isn't quite walking on her own yet, but she's getting close. She loves to hold onto your hands and walk. She's also using her "First Steps" walker, and is getting around fairly well with it (as you can see from the video.) She's just started "cruising" -- holding on to a stationary object for support as she takes a few steps. In fact, last week she actually crawled up on to the coffee table. It was pretty funny, but she got scared once she got up there.

She's also talking up a storm, with new words almost every day. Here's the current list:

Dog (basically her first word, but she never says it anymore)
Boo (she loves this one. yesterday I was in the shower and she pulled back the curtain and said "Boo!"
Ball/Balloon (uses the same word for both)
Cracker (one of her favorites -- she says "crack ooo"
Duck/Quack (not sure which she is saying, but it's one of them)
Baby (another of her favorite words)
No (she just learned this one, unfortunately)
Shay (her favorite teacher at daycare)

She's even putting words together. The other day, I was leaving. She waved at me and said "Bye" then turned to Cara and said "Dad Car"

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